The St. Joseph Award is named after St. Joseph. The Bible mentions him as a humble and just man. The Catholic Church has proclaimed Saint Joseph as the Patron Saint of all workers.

This award recognizes and rewards full-time staff members who, having served at Assumption University for at least twenty-five years, in their everyday work and roles, go beyond themselves in bringing service with satisfaction to their colleagues and students, in selfless ways.

The St. Joseph Award is given to full-time staff members who have served Assumption University for over twenty-five years.  These staff members have fulfilled their work and responsibilities to the best of their ability and have rendered satisfactory service to the University, faculty members and students.  They have shown exemplary work attitude, dedication and commitment to the University that are worthy of recognition. 

On December 24, 2020, Assumption University is pleased to confer the St. Joseph Award for Dedicated Service on 9 staff members who deserve to be recognized for the long years of dedicated service to the University as follows: