On the auspicious Chinese New Year, Ph.D. candidates of Arts, Music, Sport & Entertainment Management of Assumption University's Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management (AMSEM GS-BATM) witnessed a captivating chamber music tour, held at AUA. The event featured performances by the esteemed Tokyo Symphony Orchestra (TSO) and the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra (RBSO).

Led by Dr. Lu Zhu, Program Director, and Dr. Changhan Li, Associate Program Director, GS-BATM AMSEM Program, participants embarked on a mesmerizing journey delving into the timeless compositions of Mozart. Following the concert, a Ph.D. candidate had the privilege of interviewing two distinguished musicians—one representing TSO and the other from RBSO—adding an enriching dimension to the experience.




The evening was punctuated with moments of brilliance, marked by an insightful interview session and spellbinding performances by both orchestras. For the students of Assumption University, being part of such a prestigious event on such a significant occasion as Chinese New Year proved to be an unforgettable highlight of their academic journey in Bangkok.

For more information about AMSEM program: https://www.gsb.au.edu/phd-gsb-program-list/ph.d.-(arts%2C-music%2C-sports-and-entertainments)

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