Assumption University of Thailand (AU) recently celebrated Brother Bancha's Patron Saint’s Feast Day. Brother Bancha’s patron saint is St. Albert, the Great. In his heartfelt speech, Assumption University’s President – Magnificus expressed profound gratitude for the presence of faculty, staff, and students, underscoring that their presence was the most valuable gift.

Brother Bancha emphasized the importance of being fully present and engaging with one another to strengthen relationships. He remarked that the true strength of Assumption University lies not in its wealth or infrastructure but in the bonds of community formed among its members.

This gathering served as a reminder of the importance of intentional interaction and the creation of meaningful connections within the university community. Brother Bancha also acknowledged Dr. Krisana and his team for their exceptional organization of the University's 90th Birthday celebration for Brother Martin, highlighting the collective effort and spirit of cooperation that made the event successful.

In his message, Brother Bancha stressed the significance of being mentally and emotionally present in our interactions and the impact this has on building a strong, supportive community. He concluded by praying for the well-being and prosperity of all members of the Assumption University family.

Why do Catholics Celebrate Feast Days?

Catholics celebrate feast days for various reasons, and these celebrations are an integral part of the Catholic liturgical calendar and tradition. Here are some of the key reasons why Catholics celebrate feast days:

1. Honoring Saints: Many feast days are dedicated to saints—men and women who have lived lives of exemplary holiness and are believed to be in the presence of God. Celebrating their feast days allows Catholics to honor and remember these saints, acknowledging their contributions to the faith and seeking inspiration from their lives.

2. Liturgical Calendar: The Catholic Church follows a liturgical calendar that organizes the worship and prayer life of the Church throughout the year. Feast days are included in this calendar to mark significant events in the life of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the saints. They provide a structure for the annual rhythm of worship.

3. Spiritual Reflection: Feast days often include special Masses, prayers, and readings that focus on the life, virtues, and teachings of the saint or the event being commemorated. These celebrations offer Catholics a time for spiritual reflection and a deeper connection with their faith.

4. Community Building: Celebrating feast days is a communal activity that brings Catholics together in shared worship and celebration. It fosters a sense of community and unity among the faithful, reinforcing their common identity as members of the Church.

5. Cultural and Regional Traditions: Some feast days are associated with specific cultural or regional traditions within the Catholic Church. These traditions may include processions, festivals, and other customs that add richness to the celebration and help express the diversity within the global Catholic community.

6. Teaching and Catechesis: Feast days provide opportunities for teaching and catechesis. Priests and religious educators can use these occasions to instruct the faithful about the lives of saints, the theological significance of certain events, and the broader teachings of the Catholic faith.

7. Devotion and Prayer: Catholics often turn to saints for intercession, seeking their prayers and assistance in various aspects of life. Celebrating feast days is a way to express devotion to particular saints and to ask for their help in personal and collective struggles.

In summary, the celebration of feast days in the Catholic Church serves as a means of expressing faith, honoring saints, fostering community, and providing opportunities for spiritual growth and reflection within the context of the Church's liturgical and cultural traditions.

Related Links

Brother Bancha's Dual Celebration: Leadership & Legacy
Feast Day of Rector Magnificus Rev. Bro. Bancha Saenghiran, f.s.g., Ph.D.
Happy Feast Day, Rev. Bro. Dr. Prathip M. Komolmas and Rev. Bro. Dr. Bancha Saenghiran
St Albert the Great 1206 -1280