Assumption University's Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management (GS-BATM) recently welcomed guest speaker Khun Nutthawut Jariangrojkul to share his insights for the International Corporate Strategy class and host a Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Workshop. With Khun Nutthawut's wealth of knowledge, GS-BATM students were able to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and their application in today's complex business landscape.

Khun Nutthawut Jariangrojkul, a specialist in the field of Corporate Strategy, delivered an engaging and informative session. He generously shared his own experiences in the realm of M&A, shedding light on the intricate processes and strategies that drive successful corporate transactions. The workshop not only provided valuable insights into the art of M&A but also highlighted the role it plays as a crucial alternative for strategic growth, business model transformation, and enhancing competitive positions.

The practical aspect of the workshop was demonstrated by the hands-on exercise that followed. Students were tasked with assuming the role of corporate strategists as they delved into the analysis of four potential investments. This interactive exercise allowed participants to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world scenarios. By working through investment recommendations and evaluating various factors, students gained a deeper understanding of the multifaceted considerations that underpin the assessment of investment choices and, ultimately, drive informed decision-making.




A highlight of the workshop was the exploration of key concepts behind M&A, including "The Art of M&A Process." This comprehensive overview provided students with a solid foundation to understand the intricacies involved in navigating the complexities of mergers and acquisitions in today's dynamic business environment.

The event underscores Assumption University’s dedication to equipping students with practical skills and real-world insights, ensuring their readiness for the challenges and opportunities of the modern business landscape.

As we continue to bridge the gap between theory and practice, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to Khun Nutthawut for his invaluable contribution and commitment to shaping the business leaders of tomorrow.

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