Assumption University of Thailand (AU), in collaboration with Montfort del Rosario School of Architecture and Design and SENKA, is thrilled to announce the REVERB RUNWAY SHOW on March 1, 2024. This groundbreaking event, host by Multidisciplinary Design Program, is set to merge the worlds of fashion and environmental activism in a vibrant and dynamic showcase.

SENKA, a pioneer in sustainable beauty, has embarked on an innovative project that repurposes used facial foam tubes into stunning fashion pieces. These unique creations are not just a feast for the eyes but also a bold statement for environmental awareness. Each piece is a testament to the power of recycling and sustainable living, turning everyday waste into wearable art.

The highlight of the event is the charity auction, where all runway creations will be sold to support environmental conservation and community empowerment initiatives. It's a chance to own a piece of fashion history while contributing to a great cause.

Join us at the Montfort del Rosario School of Architecture and Design building, Assumption University, from 13:00 to 16:00, and be part of a movement that celebrates loud fashion for a louder message. It's more than just a fashion show; it's a call to action, a platform to spark conversations, and a catalyst for change.

In the lead-up to the event, SENKA invites you to participate in the "Trash for Treats" campaign. Donate your used facial foam tubes and receive free 50g facial foam samples from SENKA. Look for the SENKA's Trash for Treat booths at the Architecture and Design Building (AR Building) on February 14, 2024, at 12:00, or at the Cathedral of Learning Building. You can also drop off your donations at our collecting point on the 2nd Floor, AR Building, until February 27, 2024.

Let's make some noise for our planet. Say it loud, say it strong – because our planet deserves to be heard!


More Information about the Montfort del Rosario School of Architecture and Design, please visit:

Website: http://www.arch.au.edu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arch.au.edu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/CRDIS/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InteriorArchitectureAU/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arch_abac/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IntArchABAC
Tel: (66) 0-2723-2822