On 18th August 2023, our MBA Day class is in the final stages of the Marketing Management course, gearing up to create effective marketing plans for real businesses. Over the past few weeks, we've been gathering information and making initial assessments. To ensure our recommendations are impactful, our focus has been on understanding the competitive landscape and customer behaviors. Amidst this progress, we've found ourselves brimming with information and exciting campaign ideas. Yet, the question lingered: does our plan truly lead to success?

To address this crucial question, we had the privilege of attending a special workshop titled “Right Strategy Wins All,” hosted by the Hummingbird Consulting team on August 16, 2023. The workshop featured Khun Yotsawadee Kittisutiphan, Senior Consulting Manager; Khun Krittika Hinthong, Marketing Analyst; and Khun Pichanun Konthongkul, Workshop Facilitator. Throughout the session, the team had shared Hummingbird's insight-driven approach to crafting winning strategies. The core emphasis entailed understanding customers, developing key insights, the strategy formulation process, and essential elements of successful strategies.

While these concepts might feel familiar from our studies, the Hummingbird team's talks unveiled an eye-opening reality. When working under pressure and constraints, our understanding and interpretation of information can become biased and incomplete. Consequently, our execution might stray due to an inadequate grasp of customer pain points and our unique value proposition.

Through real-world examples, the Hummingbird team demonstrated how a deep understanding of customer insights, coupled with targeted strategic analysis, can bring precise execution and remarkable outcomes.

On behalf of the MBA Day program, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Hummingbirds Consulting team. Your willingness to share expertise has not only enhanced our learning but also bridged the gap between academic theory and the practical business world. We thank Hummingbird Consulting once again for this collaborative and enriching experience.

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