In an uplifting gathering, the Assumption University of Thailand (AU) community came together to extend their best wishes to the athletes and staff participating in the 49th Thailand University Games., hosted by Kasetsart University Kamphang Saen Campus, 27 January – 5 February, 2024. In his inspiring speech, AU President Rev. Brother Bancha emphasized the importance of adhering to the USBT regulations and the university's fitness standards.

He passionately stated, "Our participation in these games is not just about competition; it's a reflection of our unity and the enduring spirit of St. Gabriel's motto, 'Labor Omnia Vincit.' We strive not only for victory but for the growth and unity of our AU community."


Bro. Bancha inspired the community with his words, "In the heart of every challenge lies an opportunity for growth and unity. Let's embrace this event not just as a competition, but as a journey towards excellence and togetherness."

Rev. Bro. Amnuay echoed this sentiment, adding, "Our athletes represent the strength and spirit of AU. Their dedication and hard work are a testament to the values we cherish as a community. Let's support them wholeheartedly."

These encouraging words from the Brothers set the tone for AU's participation in the games, reflecting the spirit of “AU Moving Forward Together”. The university proudly supports its 48 athletes and 20 staff members, who will compete in 10 sports, showcasing the talent and unity of the AU family.


To all fans and supporters of Assumption University's team in the University Games, you can follow the latest results and updates at Assumption University's official University Games website. Stay connected and cheer on our athletes as they strive for excellence and embody the spirit of "Moving Forward Together!"

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