Assumption University of Thailand (AU) invites the AU community and the general public to partake in the observance of Holy Week, a period of profound reflection and jubilation leading to Easter Sunday. Our campuses at Hua Mak and Suvarnabhumi are set to host a series of commemorative events and services.

Holy Week, the final week of Lent, is a pivotal time for Catholics and many other Christians. It begins with Palm Sunday, marking Jesus' humble entry into Jerusalem, and encompasses several significant days:

Palm Sunday: Celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, where crowds laid palm branches before him.
Holy Thursday: Commemorates the Last Supper, where Jesus instituted the Eucharist with his disciples.
Good Friday: Remembers the crucifixion and death of Jesus, a day of penance and fasting.
Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil): A day of waiting and reflection on Jesus' burial, marking the end of Lent.
Easter Sunday: Joyously celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, the cornerstone of Christian faith.

This Holy Week, join us in a time of deep reflection, prayer, and community as we remember the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We invite everyone to participate in the services and activities planned at our chapels:


Chapel of the Annunciation (Hua Mak Campus) Click here
Chapel of St. Louis Marie de Montfort (Suvarnabhumi Campus) Click here

More Information about Assumption University of Thailand (AU), please visit:

Website: https://www.au.edu/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/assumptionuniversity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/assumptionu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/assumptionu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBArL_dL5XiXCiS5pDtyLpQ
Tel: (66) 0-2300-3543-62