🌟 You're warmly invited to celebrate the Feast Day of our President – Rector Magnificus, Brother Bancha, at Assumption University of Thailand (AU). Join us on November 15, 2023, from 9.30 to 10.00 hrs. at Uncle Bob Coffee, located on the 1st floor of the "P" Building, Hua Mak Campus. The event, organize by The Office of the President, promises to be a delightful gathering. We'll start with greetings from the Director of the Office of International Affairs, followed by a bouquet presentation by the Deputy Vice President for Academic Affairs. Don't miss the photo session at 9.45 hrs, and of course, there will be snacks and drinks to enjoy at the end. Let's come together to honor and celebrate with our university community! 🎈

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Feast Day of Rector Magnificus Rev. Bro. Bancha Saenghiran, f.s.g., Ph.D.