In line with the appropriate procedures, about 149 representatives from various student activity units met online through the Microsoft Team on February 25, 2021 at Suvarnabhumi Campus to officially approve or endorse the AUSO Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates for eventual final voting by all eligible AU undergraduate students.
The ideal candidates have proposed their ambitious vision, missions, notable projects or student activities which are deemed worthwhile and beneficial to overall student and University further progress or success.
As the current AU Student Council Committee Members' term will soon come to an end, the newly selected candidates who have received the majority votes: Mr. Chuntakorn Rojanasiriwat (Presidential Candidate) and Mr. Sai Seng Kyauk (Vice Presidential Candidate) are to further screen for a suitable group of student council committees prior to the final votes through AU Spark by overall AU students during March 9-11, 2021.
Presidential Candidate Nomination Procedure
- The Public Relations and Selection Committee must can-y out its planned Student
Organization Presidential Election campaign via various communication channels within the
University to inform, and invite qualified students to apply for the election of Assumption
University Student Organization's presidential position. - Candidate is required to present the policy and to be endorsed by either the current president or one vice-president and by at least 30 presidents or vice-presidents of the registered activity units in academic year 2020 from 6 categories, namely Academic, Social Service, Sports, Arts and Culture, Recreation, and International Students, where each of the categories must be represented by at least 5 presidents or vice presidents.
- Candidate must nominate his or her first vice-president with written signatory consent. The nominated first vice president is required to have required qualifications as the presidential candidate. In case that the presidential candidate is not proficient in communicating in Thai, then his or her nominated first vice president need to be proficient in Thai.
- Candidate must be endorsed by Dean, or Associate Dean, or Assistant Dean or Chairperson of his or her program.
- Interested person may collect an application form and submit it at Student Leadership and Experiential Learning Center, within 17.00 hours of February 12, 2021.
Eligibility and Application Conditions
- Being a full-time student enrolled in any bachelor degree programs at Assumption University.
- Having completed no less than 67 credits excluding the current semester with accumulative G.P.A. not less than 2.5; and completed English III or obtained IELTS score of at least 6.0, or TOEFL (iBT) not less than 85, or TOEFL (p) not less than 560; and not studying in the last semester of the final year.
In case that the candidate lacks sufficient credits or lower G.P.A. or English proficiency, the final approval is subject to the consideration of the Electoral Administrative Committee and the written consent of all other candidates. For an eligibility on English proficiency, the approval is based on the consideration of the university language institution. - Having experience as a committee member in student activity un its or equivalent subject to the approval of the Electoral Administrative Committee.
- Not being penalized or under probation or investigation of any student disciplinary conducts. For any minor offence, the approval is subject to the consideration of Electoral Administrative Committee.
- Having no record of mismanagement or tendency of corruption.
- Passing a personality test administered by Center for Career Development and Counseling, Student Affairs.
- Not holding any position in the Electoral Administrative Committee for Academic Year 2021.
Endorsement Meeting
- The endorsement meeting will be held on February 25, 2021 from 17.30 hrs. onwards.
- Roll call begins at 18.30 hrs. In case there is no quorum, then time will be extended for 30 minutes. Otherwise the meeting will commence after the extended time passes.
- Chairperson of Election Committee shall appoint the president or a representative of current Assumption University Student Organization to be the chairperson of the endorsement meeting to carry out the following meeting agenda.
3.1 Opening and introduction
3.2 Explaining the endorsement procedures
3.3 Introducing presidential candidates
3.4 Speech on vision and policy by presidential candidates
3.5 Q&A Session
3.6 Evaluating the event and endorsement for candidates - Endorsement is anonymously done by a secret vote. One representative can endorse more than one candidate.
- Candidates who receive no less than half of total endorsement will be endorsed for election.
- Students who are members of the Election Committee are not allowed to endorse.