Assumption University of Thailand (AU)'s Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs proudly hosted The Fourth Academic Senate Meeting for the academic year 2023. The productive session was held on April 5, 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00 hrs at A 91 Room, Assumption Hall, AU, Hua Mak Campus.

The agenda of the meeting focused on key academic matters such as Curriculum Development Plan and Schedule for Academic Year 2024, Curriculum Management Report, Faculty Development Plan, and School Management’s plan for the year 2024. Deans from each school were present to deliver their management plans, followed by a spirited question-and-answer segment with the Academic Senate committee.


Rev. Bro. Dr. Verayuth Boonpram, Vice President for Academic Affairs, stated, "Today’s meeting not only reflected our dedication to academic advancement but also our commitment to creating a future where our students and faculty are equipped with the best resources to excel. The insights gained from our deans and the discourse that followed are integral to the University’s strategic direction."

Attendees left with a reinforced sense of purpose and direction for the upcoming academic year. AU continues to prioritize academic excellence and innovation through such collaborative and strategic meetings.

More Information about Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, please visit:

Website: https://academic.au.edu/
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