Assumption University of Thailand (AU) will be closed on Monday, July 22, 2024, in observance of Asarnha Bucha Day. This Buddhist festival, also known as Asalha Puja, commemorates Buddha’s first sermon and the establishment of the Four Noble Truths following his enlightenment.
Meaning of Asarnha Bucha
Asarnha Bucha, derived from "Asarnha" (the eighth lunar month) and "Bucha" (worship), signifies worship on the full moon day of the eighth lunar month. This year, Asarnha Bucha Day falls on Saturday, July 20th, 2024.
The First Teachings of Buddha
Asarnha Bucha is one of the most significant festivals for Theravada Buddhists. It celebrates Buddha’s first sermon, preached to five ascetics at the Deer Park of Sarnath (Varanasi) near Benares city, India, over 2,500 years ago.
The sermon, known as the Wheel of Dharma (Dharmacakkappavattana Sutta), introduces the “Four Noble Truths” (Ariyasacca):
Dukkha: Suffering is innate to existence.
Samudaya: The origin of suffering is attachment.
Nirodha: Cessation of suffering comes from letting go of attachment.
Magga: The Noble Eightfold Path is the way to the cessation of attachment and suffering.
These teachings form the foundation of all Buddhist philosophy. Asarnha Bucha is sometimes referred to as “Dharma Day” or “Sangha Day,” marking both the Buddhist teachings delivered on that occasion and the establishment of the first monks.
Asarnha Bucha in Thailand
In Thailand, many people return to their hometowns or visit local temples to perform merit-making activities, such as giving alms and listening to Buddhist sermons. Celebrations include participating in a wian tian, a candlelit circumambulation procession at temples. Participants walk three times around the ordination hall in a clockwise direction on the evening of Asarnha Bucha.
Other activities include reciting the eight precepts of the Noble Eightfold Path, leading meditations, chanting in Sanskrit (the language of Buddhist scripture), giving sermons, and offering alms to monks.
The day after Asarnha Bucha is observed as Khao Phansa, marking the start of the three-month Phansa (or Vassa) period, also known as Buddhist Lent.
More Information about Assumption University of Thailand (AU), please visit:
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