To preserve the Thai traditions of the Buddhist Lent occasion and to encourage the AU personnel and international students to appreciate the Thai cultural values and significance of Buddhist practices, the Office of Thai Arts and Culture, Student Affairs, led by Rev. Bro. Dr. Verayuth Boonpram, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Rev. Bro. Dr. Achin Tengtrakul, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, performed the religious activities leading a group of faculty members, staff and students in the merit-making ceremony. The AU group presented the carved candle and other necessities to the Sukhun Tawat Temple, Bangbo District, on July 6, 2022.

Continue reading more information: Buddhist Join Merit on Asalha Puja and Buddhist Lent Day


Buddhist Lent Day

Buddhist Lent Day is during the rainy season when monks are required to remain in the temple. It is a period of religious study, mortification, and meditation. It is also a time of religious instruction for new novices. Based on tradition, Buddhists pour large candles as offerings to the monks during this season. The Office of Thai Art and Culture intends to promote the Lent Tradition in our University, along with other activities such as Alms Giving. Giving aims to monks is one of a religious and meritorious act of faith according to Thai tradition and culture. This food offering reminds us not to be greedy and selfish, but generous and share. It can also identify itself with the virtues of humility and detachment in this secular world. It also helps the preservation of Buddhist tradition.